Genome: Mycoplasma pneumoniae 309 Length of genome: 817176 bp Restriction Enzyme: KasI Recognition sequence: G'GCGC_C Number of Cleaves: 39 Simulate PFGE for all Mycoplasma |
Cleavage Position | Length of sequence | Length of sequence (sorted) | PFGE | ||
6754 15312 43254 45276 51366 58326 116925 127474 134732 138743 201741 203643 217957 222970 262705 279965 418136 418201 452682 498959 499048 518753 524508 541390 543875 547067 547139 547211 547283 574012 624139 625263 656597 713749 761227 792244 799243 812852 817174 |
6756 8558 27942 2022 6090 6960 58599 10549 7258 4011 62998 1902 14314 5013 39735 17260 138171 65 34481 46277 89 19705 5755 16882 2485 3192 72 72 72 26729 50127 1124 31334 57152 47478 31017 6999 13609 4322 | 138171 62998 58599 57152 50127 47478 46277 39735 34481 31334 31017 27942 26729 19705 17260 16882 14314 13609 10549 8558 7258 6999 6960 6756 6090 5755 5013 4322 4011 3192 2485 2022 1902 1124 89 72 72 72 65 |